Sunday, November 30, 2008
Mourning the loss of my dear Aurora
I think Rob is having a harder time letting go of the Aurora then I am. A new transmission will cost more then the car is worth! I finally told hubby, there is NO WAY we are getting it fixed. I think it is finally sinking in. It has been a fantastic car, I've had it for almost ten years and it has 225,000 miles on it. I think about the places it has taken me and it is incredible. It has taken me to Door County twice- girl's weekend and anniversary. It has taken me to more funerals then I really care to have gone too: Nikky's Funeral, Grandma's Funeral, and most recently a 12 hour drive out to Montana for my Uncle's funeral. It has always gotten me home safely. Even this time, it got us back to my parents safely.
We will probably wait to buy another car until Rob has found a job. Fortunately, with both of us home, we can make do with one car for a while. We still have Mom's Suburban and my dad really wants us to consider purchasing it. I really don't do that much driving so a Suburban would be fine if we didn't already have the Explorer. I am excited at the idea of car shopping, but hubby will not be doing the price negotiating!
Friday, November 21, 2008
New Nicole Pictures

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Nicole "Reading" her favorite book
Rob decided to record Nicole Reading to him last night. It is pretty darn cute so I thought I'd share it. I had nothing to do with it, I was away at a training class. One thing I am really proud of is Rob puts her to bed every night, they read together and he does an excellent job of it. It is really daddy/daughter time. Plus after being with her all day, it really is nice to have a break.
The training I went to was a giant waste of time. It's two hours of my life I want back. I hate parenting classes that are taught by people who do NOT have children. Classroom experience is completely different then first hand knowledge. It also convinced me that we want to do everything in our power to enroll Nicole in a private christian school. (the training class teacher works in the public school and spreads her agenda there). Yuck, oh well, only 2 more training classes to go for this year!!!
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Family photos, no, frustration Yes!
We did a family photo last summer for church when I took over leadership of Women's Ministry. All we did was set up a tripod in the backyard and use the timer and I really liked how it turned out (it's also my profile photo). We were thinking we could do that again for our Christmas family photo. I'm going to see if a friend at church could do them. We live on a beautiful park reserve, we could go out in the woods and trails. Anything would be better then the ding-dongs at JCP.
On the positive side, I really have to praise Jared the Galleria of Jewelry in Maple Grove. We have been having problems with our wedding rings (not purchased at Jared). Three different people and the manager all worked with me for over an hour and a half to brainstorm ideas and try and figure out a solution to the problem. The the lab even re sized my rings the same day so I could have them for the family photos. We still are not sure why we are both suddenly allergic to our rings but they did suggest some things we can try. We are starting with the inexpensive suggestions and working our way up from there. The most expensive suggestion being replacing them with platinum. Not really am option right now and we do love our rings. Well, I am praying something will work.