Friday, October 10, 2008


So I made it to Friday again! I was so exhausted this morning I seriously considered making my instant oatmeal with coffee. The kids said I was strange but they always think I'm strange so I'm not really concerned. Would is taste like coffee flavored oatmeal or just be gross? If things get any crazier I just might try it.
Still waiting on pins & needles for my daycare inspection. I would bet she will be here next week. And there is no school on Thursday & Friday so she will probably show up then. The kids are off the hook when the big kids are around. It is like they are all high on caffine or worse! I wonder how much trouble I can get into for using child labor- have them rake all the leaves, sweep out the garage, scrub the floors, etc...

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

LOL I say try it - you could always use the excuse that that was their "large motor skill" Time!!!