Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Major Rant

Oh today was one of those days where I could just scream! The kids were off the hook. They were so good yesterday and today I swear they were abducted by aliens and returned with wild animals inside their little bodies. So it got even worse- I had to send one home with pink eye and another one fell and broke his clavicle (collar bone). I was shocked that it was broken, he was trying to throw leaves at his friend from the top of the slide (friend running by below the slide), lost his balance and fell off the side of the slide. This is the same kid who has jumped off the top on purpose. But it is all about how you land. So I have to file an accident report with the state, less the one week after my inspection. I really think the inspector jinxed me! She said everyone has to file a report sooner or later. But really what are the odds of her saying that less the one week ago! So tonight I have been worrying about my injured little daycare boy, bleaching my entire house to prevent the spread of pink eye and writing my "incident report." Tomorrow WILL BE BETTER! Or I am calling all the parents and sending the monkeys home BEFORE anyone gets hurt. Mommy needs her sippy cup of vino

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Oh No!! You poor thing! I think you need a thermos of vino!!